17Friends 21Fans
male London, Great Britain (UK)
My name is Draco Malfoy and I am probably more interesting than you are.

Draco asks
14 years ago 8
what is that word I see Nellasaur use.....? Boggle?
14 years ago 4
can't figure out if he's amused by this sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hph... or just uncomfortable.
14 years ago 9
Top 10 hottest guys in Harry Potter you say? Well of course he's #1, he plays me doesn't he?
14 years ago 30
had a few goblets of wine last night and wanted attention and this thing ate his posts. -_-
Draco asks
14 years ago 6
is this thing working?
Draco has
14 years ago 13
had a few goblets of wine tonight and is feeling very nice.
14 years ago 14
cosplayers... I'm going to hurt you all. fc01.deviantart.net/fs71...
Draco asks
14 years ago 29
what the Bloody *Hell* is this??? i56.tinypic.com/2zyx3xf....
Draco says
14 years ago 20
dear Mark, these are not Slytherins, they are muggles with mental problems. img.buzznet.com/assets/i...
14 years ago 2