116Friends 160Fans
female Second life
Artist and procrastinator, notorious thief of Nature's designs and pursuer of impossible things.

I mean no offense if I don't accept friend requests, I'm just reluctant to add people I don't know
2 months ago 4
Fantasy Faire is back, and I actually made it this year!Illusions @ Fantasy Faire 2024
2 months ago
A few days before fantasy faire and I have... one hat :-( I'm working on another but I had higher hopes for myself this year. At least I have some other things made this year to put out
Siyu shares
3 months ago 3
Another way I know I'm getting old: they're playing songs I know and like as shopping music in the stores
3 months ago 1
I've managed to keep a small, reckless, dependent human alive for two whole years so far!
Siyu shares
3 months ago 8
Siyu shares
4 months ago
How low effort content farm "product review" lists are gaming Google for cash and viewsHow Google is killing independent sites like ours - ...I know I've noticed "best of" lists are mostly worthless now
5 months ago 8
Starting to brain storm for fantasy faire. I'm thinking... hats.
Siyu has
6 months ago 3
Been busy with real life things this whole month, but hope you have a lovely day today, regardless of what you celebrate or not.
7 months ago 6
After watching the 7 Fishes episode of The Bear I feel pretty damn good about my kitchen dish management skills lol.
Siyu wonders
8 months ago 10
where are people getting their flexible basic wardrobe staples from these days? I'm thinking of stuff like Armidi back in the day