Si (Hadoc)
26Friends 14Fans
male Great Britain (UK)
Just woken up...profile what?
Si (Hadoc) says
14 years ago 18
AnticliMaxic reports that the interview went very well, but he can't plurk it on, and I quote, 'this piece of shit ph*ne'
Si (Hadoc) says
14 years ago 4
last ever Big Brother started tonight, and they've put a Beyonce lookalike on. that's the next three months of my life wasted then
Si (Hadoc) shares
14 years ago 3
Cassetteboy vs The Bloody Apprentice (LOL)
Si (Hadoc) has
14 years ago 6
voted.Just read this gem:votingTory 'cause you want to punish Gordon Brown is like cutting your bollocks off 'cause your jeans are too tight
Si (Hadoc) is
14 years ago 2
about to watch celebrities prancing about on (and hopefully smacking themselves in the face with) ice.
Si (Hadoc)
14 years ago 7
keep looking up, waiting to get covered in falling volcanic ash :-o
Si (Hadoc) says
14 years ago 11
Cameron is bombing in this live debate thingy. I'm guessing the Lib Dems'll be up in the polls tomorrow. 3 way hung parliament?
Si (Hadoc)
14 years ago 5
aww, woke up to this. Cue many and varied Beyonce paraphrasings
Si (Hadoc) says
14 years ago 2
who's idea was it to drink in Finns? I feel so oooooold :'-(
Si (Hadoc)
14 years ago 8
major dental work today, new ep of Doctor Who's like I'm 10 again! All I need now is to beg my folks for a commodore64 game