1Friends 1Fans
male Denpasar, Indonesia
Besides design, my creative quest includes— painting, photography, painting and writing on subjects as varied as— sexuality, linguistics, philosophy, poetry, religious symbolism, ancient tradition and even a children's bedtime story.
Shunyata says
13 years ago
Learning RSS feeds! Really Simple Syndication is a misnomer.
Shunyata says
13 years ago
"The ultimate end of all revolutionary social change is to establish the sanctity of human life." Emma Goldman
Shunyata says
13 years ago
Jupiter Sq Pluto = Giant Shifts! Make the world a better place!
Shunyata says
13 years ago
When you are living from the greatness within you, you have tapped into an infinite source of power.
Shunyata says
13 years ago
Grandma's no-nonsense advise —
Shunyata says
13 years ago
"True abundance isn't based on our net worth, it's based on our self worth"
Shunyata says
13 years ago
“The best cure for the body is a quiet mind.” Napoleon Bonaparte
Shunyata says
13 years ago
Like ideas - real revolutions happen within our minds.
Shunyata says
13 years ago
“Every generation needs a new revolution.” Thomas Jefferson
Shunyata says
13 years ago
We have had rolling blackouts in Bali and no electricity all day. Yuck!