29Friends 1Fans
male Seattle, WA, United States
This is redundant if you know me in real life.
Shteevie asks
10 years ago 5
Mors do the kiddos need a new coloring book?
Unicorns Are Jerks: a coloring book exposing the col...
10 years ago 5
I kind of love that I live in a world where a google search for "that Spoon song with the horns" returns the song I wanted on the first hit.
Shteevie asks
10 years ago 19
Pebble Steel Time or Apple iWatch?
Shteevie says
10 years ago 2
yay, fat-shaming is now an acceptable marketing angle.
In new Microsoft ad, Cortana calls Siri fat and dumb | VentureBea...
Oh no, wait... This isn't really acceptable at all.
Shteevie says
10 years ago 1
i know, Buzzfeed, right? But funny!
The 85 Funniest Tweets Of All Time
Shteevie asks
10 years ago 13
who wants to move to France?
Shteevie says
10 years ago 7
this team is killing my team and that is killing me.
Shteevie says
10 years ago
this team is killing my team and that is killing me.