58Friends 12Fans
female Singapore
Shirmaine, 14:-D
Child of God
Netballer; GD,GK :-D
acting,singing. photography (L)
read my life at,
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago
Goodbyez, :-D
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago
Once again, thanks to all those lovely people out there who wished me well, got me gifts and sang me the birthday song! Thanks! (heart)
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago
Well, i think iam done crapping! Heh, iam off for nowzzz!
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago
Hahaha, got birthday hugs from Ms Ang & Ms Divya! Hahaha :-D
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago 1
my fingers are hurting form all the pressing of strings during guitar ): Haha
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago
I think Ms Ang rocks! She's Christian too! :-)) Ms Divya's cool too! HAHAHA! :-D
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago
And a huge thanks to those who got me gifts! Thanks to y'all! :-D Andand, i've got a patrick star and spongebob for gifts! Thanks luv! HAHAH!
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago
Thank you to all of those who have wished me well! Thanks for your love and well wishes! :-))
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago
Well, ehohah! Hahaha, i almost forgot! Heh, Happy birthday to me! :-D Heh!!!!
ShirmaineOyh, says
15 years ago
Umpired for captain ball games for carnival from 3-5.30, rushed home and off to guitar class! Was just back home!