Shirlia S.H.S
71Friends 21Fans
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
"I love chatting with you too!!! :-) " You have no idea how elated I was!
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
My mouth hurts so is every part of me.
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
Bleeding Love.
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
I never meant to hurt you, we really are not meant to be.
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
Damn it i've given the wrong idea. Screw it!
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
if you tick me off and i don't say anything, it's not because you win.. it's because if i open my mouth I'm going to regret what comes out.
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
Genius by Birth, Evil by choice!
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
It has been years since I really shop!!
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
Kids in the back seat cause accidents, but accidents in the back seat cause kids
Shirlia S.H.S says
14 years ago
There's a saying that serious relationships won't turn out the way you want it to be and it's so true.