57Friends 13Fans
female Dalian, China
Born and brewed in Jayapura, currently eating books in Dalian, China....
I love puppy, piano, and strawberry ice cream:-)...
Sherryn is
15 years ago 29
dying to pee:-&!
Sherryn says
15 years ago 30
my hair is spiky(woot)!!
15 years ago
got scolded 4 littering*so humiliating*!!! (tears)
Sherryn is
15 years ago
surviving the day(10:16am)(gym)....
Sherryn says
15 years ago 21
(9:30am) I saw a cute little spider 2day... i wonder if i'll change into spiderman/woman if it bites me (thinking)??
Sherryn says
15 years ago 6
nothing lasts 4ever....
Sherryn says
15 years ago 7
a simple test score doesn't mean anything when it comes 2 measuring a person's intelligence and potential...
Sherryn says
15 years ago 8
(7:46am)my contact lenses are killing me!!
Sherryn says
15 years ago 11
921775711(my QQ ID)
Sherryn hates
15 years ago 17
school (devil)!!