57Friends 13Fans
female Dalian, China
Born and brewed in Jayapura, currently eating books in Dalian, China....
I love puppy, piano, and strawberry ice cream:-)...
Sherryn says
15 years ago 9
rambut terpanjang gw g smp 6cm(tears)
15 years ago
bought an ultra cute soccer ball today:-))
Sherryn says
15 years ago 1
miracles can only descend upon those with the will to carry on!!
Sherryn is
15 years ago 13
Sherryn hates
15 years ago 10
her new hairstyle(tears)
15 years ago 5
maen bola lgi hari ini(dance)
Sherryn is
15 years ago 6
reading One Piece chapter 537
Sherryn loves
15 years ago 9
this site:!
Sherryn says
15 years ago 8
bsk Sriwijaya FC VS Gamba Osaka! pasti kalah.... moga2 jgn malu2in dh!
Sherryn has
15 years ago 10
sore throat + runny nose + mild headache----> (sick)