57Friends 13Fans
female Dalian, China
Born and brewed in Jayapura, currently eating books in Dalian, China....
I love puppy, piano, and strawberry ice cream:-)...
Sherryn says
15 years ago
film setan skrg ridiculous bgt! g serem n menjijikan..... i'm so disappointed...
15 years ago
somewhere over the rainbow~~ (music)
Sherryn says
15 years ago
gw pgn BBM-an!!!!! udh lama g chatting(tears)....
Sherryn wishes
15 years ago
to be someone else.....
Sherryn wants
15 years ago
to be a boy....
Sherryn is
15 years ago 2
spending quality time with her crazy friends.....
Sherryn is
15 years ago 7
learning a new piano song called "eyes on me" (music)
Sherryn says
15 years ago 3
I really want to have a scooter... even though I don't know how to ride it(doh)!
Sherryn says
15 years ago 8
Sherryn says
15 years ago 8
one word can change everything......