11Friends 24Fans
male Brunei Darussalam
I want to travel the world please, thank you!
Shaherwan says
10 years ago
On the bright side, i get to catch up with my series. Now watching roommate s2. Sejak bila kara ada urg bru ani? Nicole and jiyoung keluar sdh..
Shaherwan says
10 years ago
On standby for god knows how many days.
10 years ago
10 years ago
But inda semua lah. Some of the applicants showed real interest in the oil&gas company. Very confident in speaking, and inda malu tanya questions. Salute. Sekian sesi curhat saya pada malam ini.
10 years ago
This is only based on a 6 hour observations. 3 more days of this. Of people just standing in front of the booth. Mesti lagi di approach tu. haha. The recruiters plg ice-breaking bah.
10 years ago
Balum lagi parents yg becakap betanyakan pasal kraja, qualifications, engineering. Anaknya diam diam main mobile di belakang. Hmm.. how to impress recruiters like this? Sighhhh
10 years ago
At the job fair; "Ani aku kan mengantar CV" "For which position tu ah?" "Mana-mana saja" Hmm..Payah ni orang cemani ani. I get it lah how you should try to apply everywhere, but at least put more effort lah ah.
10 years ago
Menyasal masuk Uniqlo. Banyak bah tarus balian. Hmmmm.... Malam ani makan Maggi cup saja ah. haha
10 years ago
I'm waiting to board now. Flight in less than 30 minutes. Still does not have an itinerary (doh) All i know flight and hotel ready. Part keraja nya alum tau. Seminggu tah ku ni stay dlm hotel. haha
10 years ago
After gaziliions apple store.. barutah tedapat. haha