23Friends 13Fans
male Baliuag, Philippines
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
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Shad0wSkiL wishes
15 years ago
for a longer time to sleep.. just got a two-hour cat nap.>__<
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
back to work... spending some time with my source codes...XD
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
good pm or am?? plurkyverse.....
Shad0wSkiL wants
15 years ago
iphone!!! excited to buy it on saturday...errrrrr
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
off to school.... havent sleep yet....need more coffee and cigarette!!!!!!....busy working....
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
2 o'clock in the morning...still working on my program for allpoints...i wanna sleep but i cant...grrrr...
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago 2
timecheck 11:05pm here...still working for allpoints...need to finish these thing until 7am..crap vampire mode...
Shad0wSkiL is
15 years ago
happy.... I will definetly buy an iphone on saturday...weeeee
Shad0wSkiL is
15 years ago
working on allpointsfeedback...
Shad0wSkiL will
15 years ago
buy an iphone this saturday..... hopefully......wooott...