23Friends 13Fans
male Baliuag, Philippines
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
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Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
wew... after two days of plurking I gained 7 points... >_< long way to go,,, to bring back 50 points i lost..
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
have a great day plurkers XD...
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
wew...good thing I found a list of GD star rating integration function...less problem on my side..XD
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
working on wordpress plugins gives me a headche...T_T
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
peachy peach!! still there?? long time no plurkXD
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
damn my shoutout on friendster was modified by plurk...I never thought these would happen... crap.
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
1 karma point gained..XD
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
off to mode
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
finally plurk and twitter integration are already cancelled XD..
Shad0wSkiL says
15 years ago
need to gain points again...XD...