her computer might not last much longer <.<; I'll find a way to let you guys know if it permanently dies on me.
stressing randomly about things that have been going on for months. Think I might just go back to sleep x.x
really wants to try to do paint ball sometime, but can't find anyone to play with ;-;
Going to sleep, gonna try to be up around 5pm~
trying to sleep off cramps and what not x.x I'll see you guys when I'm feeling a bit better <3
sorry I haven't really been here the last few days, everyone~ It's been one reason after another, I'll tell ya. /quickly heads to work
Great, there was a shooting at our apartment complex last night. Somehow I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later x.x
finally home after a required day out with her family. Have to go to sleep now though ;-; See you guys later.
done reading 3 volumes so far~ Time to try to sleep again.
Well, my guess is right so far. Stupid sleep schedule x.x