68Friends 23Fans
female Singapore
17 June is the day i grow older.
I am crazy over HELLO KITTY !
out to celebrate dad's birthday even though I'm unwell :·¡
feeling much better after eating medicine and sleeping ! :-)
argh went to the doctors . Apparently , my flu has worsen. Can I cry ? TT
shall try sleeping in the living room . Goodnights .. [delayed]
shall sit in the living room and wait for my dad to come home . It's so difficult to breathe ><
runny nose has just made my sleep almost impossible . Forget it , I'm not gonna sleep anymore .
otw to boon lay to board coach ! Goodbye Singapore ! See you in 6 days :-)
LOLS my cute 13 month old niece cried while I was leaving ! Aww he do damn cute ><
I heard thunder! Shall wait for it to rain ! Write diary first ! XD
oh yeah ! DURIAN PUFF !!! <3