enjoys a couch potatoe evening. We're watching "Blast from the Past".
tonight's dinner: "Hax'n, Serviettenknödel, Schmorkraut und Sauce" - typical Bavarian cuisine.
Earth Hour 09 - our lights are switched off now.
Please switch your lights off tonight from 8:30 to 9:30pm for Earth Hour 2009!
sings: "Oh crappy day... Oh crappy daaaaay"
returned home from grocery shopping, wearing a downjacket. Who did steal spring???
How lovely! Even Jersey does not want to go out for a (stromy) walk - it's pouring with rain.
already looking forward to the weekend - I feel like a zombie (and I look like one, too). 41 hours w/o sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
now 35 hours without sleep... sleep is overrated, right...?
went for gardening instead of spring cleaning and now looks forward to watching Pop Idol.