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male London, Great Britain (UK)
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
An unsuccessful day of house hunting yesterday. We were even banned from entering one house by an aggressive tenant! On way to meeting now.
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
Here is the link to the "Man on the Moon" music video on youtube.
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
Very pleased to finally say, here is the iTunes link for "Man on the Moon"
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
Just getting songs mastered in Hammersmith and then on to Covent Garden. Looking forward to a day of dodging the Oscar results!
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
Someone just wrote a very nice review of my single–‘man-on-th... Made me rather happy.
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
VIDEO OF THE DAY!! Haven't done it for a while, this is worth it!
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
Finishing more songs. All I ever do. What a night last night! COYS!!! Wouldn't want to fight Joe Jordan... Or Gattusso for that matter.
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
Not in the mood to do anything today which is unfortunate considering I have a lot to do. Wish I was going to Milan tomorrow for the match!
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
Just back from a charity breakfast in London. Didn't enjoy waking up at 5am. Now back in the studio once again, writing 4 various projects.
Samroman86 says
14 years ago
Just got back from seeing The Fighter. Brilliant film, go and see it immediately. Christian Bale might just be the new Daniel Day-Lewis!