Samantehh ●ω●
20Friends 4Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I tend to go mad at times.
My mad is like saying random stuff at weird times.
Ahh well. I am abnormal. ;D
Don't say I didn't warn you. LOL
Click and be surprised :]
Samantehh ●ω● thinks
15 years ago
that Twitter is pretty cool
just joined Twitter
Samantehh ●ω● is
15 years ago
off to school !
Samantehh ●ω● wonders
15 years ago
Samantehh ●ω● wishes
15 years ago
everyone "HAPPY HOLIDAYS !"
Samantehh ●ω●
15 years ago 1
I see..
Wtf is wrong with the world ?
Samantehh ●ω●
15 years ago 1
Isn't Influenza A and H1N1 the same ?!
Samantehh ●ω● says
15 years ago
it's like flying, without the dying :*)
Samantehh ●ω● says
15 years ago 3
Yay ! Karma dropped.