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male Los Angeles, CA, United States
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I used to work in reality TV, now I'm trying to make the whole new media thing work. So check out my youtube and other
SamProof says
12 years ago
Vampire production meeting is in progress with lanbui
SamProof says
12 years ago
Printing out my first draft of a three part vampire mini series.. Cc lanbui
SamProof says
12 years ago
I haven't experienced a nor'easter or used that word in over a decade. Though improbably say Nor as often as Easter, just not together.
SamProof says
12 years ago
The radio played.two David Bowie songs back to back and all I could think was: oh god, did David Bowie
SamProof says
12 years ago
Guess how easy it is to crack off half your toe nail on a leather ottoman
SamProof says
12 years ago
just uploaded this pgzcast pic - team_hellions finest moment in mod history
SamProof says
12 years ago
Links call! funniest white boy raps - Links ahoy!
SamProof says
12 years ago
My New Video ... FROM THE FUTURE is up!
SamProof says
12 years ago
Looking for guests for our Friday live streams, filmmakers, youtubers, comedians and musicians. hit samproof at gmail dot com 30K viewers!
SamProof says
12 years ago
Getting ready for this weeks PGZcast - anyone have a zombie question? Live in an hour and 30 min