1Friends 5Fans
male Commack, NY, United States
SacredX is
16 years ago
wondering how the hell Terra got that cool background on her plurk page. Please tell me!
SacredX is
16 years ago
about to take a shower.
SacredX is
16 years ago
just getting back from work. Cursed day.
SacredX is
16 years ago
back from class. What a workout!
SacredX is
16 years ago
going to class.
SacredX is
16 years ago
just finished watching Detective Conan episodes! Glad I found the site!
SacredX is
16 years ago
just becoming Facebook friends with people he's known for years. Funny thing is, they're older and have had three kids each!
SacredX is
16 years ago
back from work, and pretty content. God is on my side. Sadly, I was handed a golden ticket and hesitated until it was gone.
SacredX is
16 years ago
just getting back from church and getting ready for work.
SacredX is
16 years ago
happy he just got his first No Damage against a CoR member! vs. Zexion!