7Friends 7Fans
SleeepyHeaaad. feels
15 years ago
like crying. :'-(
15 years ago
just woke up. *yawns*
SleeepyHeaaad. is
15 years ago 2
sleeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyy! *yawns*
SleeepyHeaaad. says
15 years ago
TOMPOK IS REALLY PISSING ME OFF! SHE GO AND RANSACK MY MUM'S CUPBOARD. because the door was left open. -_- -_-
SleeepyHeaaad. is
15 years ago
pissed off still with tompok. she go and ransack my dustbin here in my room. -__- AIYO! * bangs head on the table*
SleeepyHeaaad. wants
15 years ago
everything to back to normal! can? this is frigging irrating. -_-
SleeepyHeaaad. thinks
15 years ago
shes spoilt. :-(
SleeepyHeaaad. feels
15 years ago
so sad. im sorry if my post was too harsh for you,but thats the fact. im sorryy. im just expressing my feelings there.
SleeepyHeaaad. is
15 years ago 9
home aloneeee. and tompok is pissing me off. shes been meow-ing since just now and i dont what she wants. bummer. :-&
SleeepyHeaaad. is
15 years ago
irritated with Isam. all he could do is to ask me to download songs for him. wah piaaang! hahahahaha.