8Friends 10Fans
male United States
SEO Strategist with a Top30 SEO blog.
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago 2
what are you all up to?
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago
anyone have a good site to recommend while I take a break?
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago
have to write up 3 proposals today. I think that's a good thing.
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago
what happened to all the plurks out there? I don't see many. Is it a day off and no one told me?
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago
good morning!
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago
I want a wiki page.
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago
Currently we are only taking clients with 1 million pageviews a month or more, but we're here to answer any SEO questions you might have.
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago
lemon poppyseed muffins with coffee. Nom nom
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago
another pot of coffee and I will be ready for my next meeting.
SEOWebHelp says
13 years ago
no more coding for the night!