26Friends 54Fans
male Orlando, FL, United States
I do comedy and swords at the most popular theme park on the planet. I think I'm cool, but I'm biased.
Future Avenger.

I'd like a dinosaur, please.
Ryanhilt asks
12 years ago 3
Skrillex? Am I allowed to like him/ them/ it? I'm not sure I do, I just don't know if I'm even allowed.
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 1
back from Bahamas. The whole thing was meh. Gig was easy and the people were nice, guests and other performers. But a lot of wasted time.
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 3
damn, I wish was hanging around Fringe this weekend.
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 4
I love when &$@?! Universal schedules me for a &$@?! rehearsal then does tell me where it &$@?! is.
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 4
I still haven't seen the Avengers yet. Dammit.
Ryanhilt is
12 years ago 4
in Delaware for a few days. Too long, and not long enough. Ah, family.
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 2
hey pagemasterjim, I might be rolling through ATL around dinner time tomorrow... whatcha up to?
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 1
if anyone wonders, this is the busiest week of the busiest month of the year for me. Hope I don't need to sleep for the next four days!
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 2
When I googled images for "tea dyeing polyster", I began to suspect I was procrastinating from the actual work I must do today.
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 21
iagad will be happy to know I'm finally watching Downton Abby.