is away from the internet this week, and will return your messages after his Fringe-opening hangover has cleared.
is thinking that Google Buzz is spooty but is, as always, willing to give it a shot and/or be talked around.
is hoping for the strength to not curse the junkies who stole his dirty socks last night.
is thinking of rolling around in the carpark to get rid of this spooty fabric-softener smell! smellinglikeevil
smells like spooty fabric softener - it smells, it makes me itch, it's made out of dead baby's toenails ... this is not a win-win
's history-book meeting prolapsed on a meeting about a young writers' comp: youth lit rolling over for Old Boys; storyofourfuckinglives.
will be putting his pillow cases on inside out from now on. That spooty little flap on the inside? Yeah, that fits now. After 26 years.
Thanks everyone for your tips about Twitter clients - you've helped me narrow it down to 3 from 25! Hootsuite, Tweetie or TweetDeck ...
Who's using Twitter at work, for work? Any tips about best third-party apps, analysis software, that sort of thing?
well, that lasted all of about two minutes - long enough for me to get drenched on the way to the car thunderstormfail