10Friends 4Fans
I live this awesome life,
in the house of God! :-D
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
I used to think that my cca wasn't that bad, but now. What can I say?
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
I've just realised, that I couldn't make it for any of my church's outings. Due to my cca.
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
hahah. :-D
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
i'm so gonna type down nonsense again!
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
ahha, i will never say vulgarities. B-)
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
homework, piling up. (angry)
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
there's still chinese homework!
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
i'm not that hyper like i used to be. (unsure)
Ruthhhhh says
15 years ago
maybe, i've changed.