25Friends 14Fans
female Waldorf, MD, United States
Likes to encourage archaic and strange words like puissant and psychal. Subject to change.
3 years ago
60F on average this week, 50F average the following week. I don't mind if it is cold but the humidity will be over 90% for almost two weeks
3 years ago 12
[For the Anime crowd that RPs] I keep thinking of setting up a Discord account to try out rping but I'm reluctant to do so because I heard that you might have to show a photo and be in a voice chat. It will sound strange but I'm not fond of showing people what I look like, especially in my line of work, and I hate speaking over the Internet. I feel a bit
3 years ago 2
Exacerangutan silverwolfcc You two and anyone else might get a laugh out of it
3 years ago
[work complaint]Ever since the invasion of Ukraine last week, we had all sorts of people come to the law office. I don't know why because we deal with elder law but the range of the people asking us to do things outside are remit is...disturbing
3 years ago 4
If anyone looks on this timeline and doesn't see a lot of plurks related to words, Catholicism, anime, LOTR fan-fics and other things, it is because the world has taken some curves and I don't want to read about it all the time on social media.
3 years ago 6
2 to 3inches of snow down in Maryland this weekend. God help us all for the chaos that is occuring on the highways
3 years ago
[Hobbit USSR] Not LOTR, to clarify. 1991 IntroHobbit in USSR, intro(1991 not released) -Сокровища ...
3 years ago 5
Merry Christmas to everyone!
3 years ago 15
[French language Yes will provide explanation that isn't political] In a Nonbinary Pronoun, France Sees a U.S. Attack on...
3 years ago 3
It is cold. The nights are long. I do not have the tv on to avoid reality from depressing me.