Rose Farina
142Friends 132Fans
female Boise, ID, United States
A Rose is a Rose is a Rose
Rose Farina was
11 years ago 6
thinking about Second Life yesterday and realized she missed some of you so is poking her head in here to say hi!
Rose Farina
13 years ago 1
I went all night without having to get up and take cough medication! \o/
Rose Farina
13 years ago 4
Goodness I leave for a bit and some of you fight while I'm gone? Silly =P
Rose Farina
13 years ago 2
Rose Farina
13 years ago 3
Be yourself. The world worships the original. -Ingrid Bergman
Rose Farina
13 years ago 3
crawls in the door the sprawls out in the middle of the Plurk carpet
Rose Farina
13 years ago 18
I shall now proceed to make peoples hatez me!