Dancin` Vic
40Friends 3Fans
male Norristown, PA, United States
I am a person. I eat and breathe. Occasionally I defecate waste products. I have been known to blink. Is this long enough, yet?
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 7
Watching "The Wiz". Dorthy's aunt says, "You've never been south of 125th". Me: "Oh, so she's from Upstate New York."
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 5
So, we all hate the word "content", as in "any and all art created primarily to be shared on the internet is 'content'", right?

Today's Word of the Day is "resource".
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 1
Apparently someone out there thinks I'm the guy at the county who orders the perforated or grated metal flooring/scaffolding.
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 1
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 2
Sorry, crappy but free crossword app, that's actually called a "tittle".
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 11
Been too long since I saw Electric Six in concert. Anyone up for October 19 at City Winery? $35 or less, looks like it's all seated (looks like you have to pick seats).
Y-Not Radio Presents Electric Six and The Surfrajett...
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 7
[Help, Graphic design is my passion]
Despite the fact that I have no talent in anything graphics related, I sometimes have to make instructions for things that actual people will have to read and decipher.

Does this look ok? Is it understandable?
OneDrive for Business
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 3
Pro tip: Do not get into the back of a van with someone claiming he will, "take you on a tour of Buffalo Bill's house"
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 8
[ZKK] Paul Atreides aka Paul Maud'Dib the Lisan al-Gaib who is Usul among us is 15 yrs old.
Dancin` Vic
1 years ago 10 @Edit 1 years ago
At my uncle's funeral, and out by the sign-in book they have these cards: