Rez day came and went. Again. And I missed it. Again... Maybe on my 10th birthday I'll remember...
just received a care package of butterscotch chocolate chip cookies from a new friend. OMG are these good!
Pretty places for photos?
Tevatron may have stumbled upon new a particle. Someone grab a hand vac. More dust!
had nothing but vegetables last night and now I am CRAVING a steak... or at least a muffin. I usually hate breakfast.
had enough. She demolished a 2 year pain in the ass. Awaiting return fire.
helping to negotiate a 2.3 million USD contract in RL. Why would I waste my time babysitting some stupid 23 yo's ego? Oh, right. I won't.
told last night that she is the funniest person someone knows. I'm hoping they were going for sense of humor.