2Friends 26Fans
male Portland, OR, United States
Not much to say about me as there isn't much about me. I am Rezo and kind of geeky.
Rezo is
15 years ago
Rezo likes
15 years ago
kitties! :-D
Rezo feels
15 years ago
like it is time to dance, dance, DANCE! ...Eh maybe not. (annoyed)
Rezo has
15 years ago
hardly anything to do right now. >_>
Rezo says
15 years ago
death to prime time soap operas... Just because they're filmed better doesn't make them suck less.
Rezo thinks
15 years ago
this week's Booster Gold was Boosterific. :-P
Rezo says
15 years ago
Rezo is
15 years ago
rather tired.
Rezo wants
15 years ago
Rezo has
15 years ago
cherry Dr. Pepper. Mmm.