124Friends 33Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
15 years ago
gUstO cUh maG-aRal..peO tinAtAmad acUh...! (LOL)
RenLynRuTh is
15 years ago
rEaDy tO gO schOOL....!aNd sHe wiLL be lOg iN aT 6pm... (highfive)
RenLynRuTh thinks
15 years ago
abOuT sOmeOne sHe miSs...! (LOL)
RenLynRuTh says
15 years ago
GiViNg iS tHe reAsOn tO smiLe.....! :-D
RenLynRuTh says
15 years ago
i'M bAcK.....hAHhhaa...
RenLynRuTh says
15 years ago
wiLL be riGht bAcK aT 6pm.... :-D
RenLynRuTh says
15 years ago
10 dAys oF vAcatiOn becAuse oF typhOOn OndOy...nOw it's weird how I miss KFC.. (LOL)
15 years ago 1
,.gOOd MorniNG.. :-D
15 years ago 2
,.i'M sO tiRed tO gO OuT bcUz oF TyphOon PepEng.!;(gO AwAaay tyPhOoN pEpEng.We don’t need another storm at this time!!! God bless us all.:-)
15 years ago
,.gOOd mOrniNg tO aLL.. :-)