Day 2: Vision is slightly less fuzzy but I can feel my eyes needing more time to focus on things, particularly in the mid to close range.
I took a fat nap and it's still weird to just be able to see. Whenever I put eye drops in I keep thinking I also need to put my glasses back on 😂
All is well! Focusing is still strange, but overall vision is like night and day.
Took the Xanax. I’ve never had it before so it’ll be interesting to experience.
Alright guys, this is it. Wish me luck. But mostly my surgeon lol.
One more day until new eyes!!
Pupdate: Bento apparently likes oranges. Also I know I'm so behind on photos...
Why is it so hard to find dresses???
Completed all the consent forms. Still hate how much it lists every potential thing that can go wrong, but I understand why they do 😅