Miss Rere
27Friends 4Fans
female Tangerang, Indonesia
Regina .
still 13 y.o
Indonesia .
loves music , fashion , photography , cute boys , nice people , laugh out loud , going to new places , hang out with friends etc :]
Miss Rere
14 years ago
you don't get it . you never understand wht actually i want nd wht i actually feel
Miss Rere
14 years ago
sweetie , i <3 you with a big heart inside my love for you :3
Miss Rere
14 years ago
<33333 photography , design and fashion ><
Miss Rere says
14 years ago
abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz .. :-)
Miss Rere says
14 years ago
Miss Rere says
14 years ago
yahh , dya ngelesss !! huuhuu .. wht should i do now??? hmmm ... -_- *thinking*
Miss Rere says
14 years ago
my little sist is soo fvcked up ! nd a bitch ! zzz .. coz why ? ask me !
Miss Rere says
14 years ago
your smile makes my day bright
Miss Rere says
14 years ago
i'm here for your entertaintment
Miss Rere says
14 years ago
(LOL) i bully my crush .. nd it's so damn fun !!! (LOL)