26Friends 29Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Raymond says
15 years ago 8
看到台大辛亥路側門的"我家吃麵"還開著真高興 青春的記憶和懷念的滋味都還在!
Raymond says
15 years ago 4
"居酒屋 隆" 果然名不虛傳 東西好吃 清酒選擇也多
Raymond thinks
15 years ago 8
he deserves a big treat from Yvette Wen since she's gonna join his former employer and get a huge jump in salary
Raymond feels
15 years ago 7
excited about going to John Scofield's concert in Taipei
Raymond wishes
15 years ago 6
his sweetest Yvette meimei a happy 25th birthday!
Raymond thinks
15 years ago 13
Raymond is
15 years ago 28
so lucky on 7-11 lottery, especially when Marcus and Yvette aren't around. (dance)
Raymond says
15 years ago 13
My 3-yr-old nephew keeps calling me "Dad" whenever he sees hot chicks. WTH is in his mind???
Raymond is
15 years ago 4
正在JB吃漢堡 永婕姐姐在隔壁桌耶
Raymond says
15 years ago 7
林宜亭妳終於有搞頭交新男友了 除了請客之外記得開始專心幫我們介紹對象阿