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female Chicago, IL, United States
An all American married with 3 children girl living life, loving it, and writing about it every chance I get. My fave quote: I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells. ~ Dr. Seuss
Raquel_Soto says
13 years ago
jesustweeters to say that tim hawkins is a genius is an understatement: What I Believe (raise your volume up!)ping.fm/nBckH enjoy!
Raquel_Soto says
13 years ago
ZigZiglar quotes in motion; gotta love YouTube... ping.fm/bdvzx
Raquel_Soto says
13 years ago
jesustweeters All My Praise (love this song!) ping.fm/3oozY
Raquel_Soto says
13 years ago
Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won't taste good. ~Joe Paterno quotes
Raquel_Soto says
13 years ago
The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win~ Roger Bannister quotes
Raquel_Soto says
13 years ago
Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit~Vince Lombardi quotes
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14 years ago
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Raquel_Soto is
14 years ago
Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: "I am with you kid. Let's go." ~Maya Angelou
Raquel_Soto is
14 years ago
Desperately trying to figure this out; boooo; not as easy as Twitter...Dr. Who is calling...