188Friends 158Fans
male Indonesia
thinks that Comm 07 sucks cock :-P
Comingofageboy is
12 years ago
12 years ago 1
finally understands why qualitative research is a tougher bitch to fuck than it's number-sucking sister. I still remain a virgin, though :-)
Comingofageboy says
12 years ago
I believe that I have spread my poison this evening. Gentlemen!
12 years ago
went to Perpus Pusat again this morning. You don't even have to ask what I saw. Yah, gapapalah, kontras dikit gapapa
Comingofageboy has
12 years ago 31
finally read "the letter" to Depkom UI. Can't believe something of that quality came from someone I really admire for his creative work :-(
Comingofageboy says
12 years ago
thank God it's Monday
Comingofageboy feels
12 years ago
Comingofageboy thinks
12 years ago
that any micro-celebrity would hate being called a celebrity despite acting like one. Not that there's anything wrong by acting like one :-)
Comingofageboy wonders
12 years ago 8
what the fuck was in the mind of those Comm 2011 kids who practiced their YELL routines a few steps outside of Starbucks Perpus Pusat.