23Friends 13Fans
female Second Life, United States
Silly Second Lifer! I am a child avatar and I love shopping, meeting new people, blogging, taking photos, bunnnies, horses, pandas and other animals, playing games, hearing and telling stories, decorating and so much more!
Love Second Life!
RaineBlackburn says
13 years ago 2
eeep! Lost Karma from being too busy to come on. BOATS!
RaineBlackburn says
13 years ago 1
I gave up on families. I will never find a fit like the one I had. I am lucky to have had the chance I did. I will always love them!
RaineBlackburn says
13 years ago
my laptop is fixed! YAY! I can now spend more time online doing silly things with awesome stuff!! My little SL store is doing well too!
RaineBlackburn says
13 years ago
Morning plurks! I still have no time to get on SL. Booooooo RL is a pain in the bum!
RaineBlackburn says
13 years ago
I haven't had much time for anything other than tending my horsies lately! ZOMG! Sending luff to everyone!
RaineBlackburn says
13 years ago 2
So sleepy still!
RaineBlackburn says
13 years ago
Rest in peace laptop computer. :'-(
RaineBlackburn has
13 years ago 1
not had any free time in forever! Eeeeeek!
RaineBlackburn has
13 years ago
been crazy busy and needs a vacation and a nap!
RaineBlackburn is
13 years ago
ready for a nap. ZOMG what a day!