92Friends 44Fans
male Wichita, KS, United States
The darkness has been my life for 34 years. I strive for the time when I can show my face in a world who is frighten of the unexplained.
FightingRaider says
16 years ago 7
good morning and happy crunch week.....state testing starts next week....just so excited
16 years ago 9
good morning to everybody. just arrived back in town 4 hours ago and now getting ready fo work.......
FightingRaider says
16 years ago 3
Good evening. I hope you all had a wonderful day. and will continue to ahve a wonderful weekend
16 years ago 3
getting ready to home, just waiting on the wifee.. she tells me to be ready to leave by four but......
FightingRaider hates
16 years ago 7
when principal is cohoots with the students. she called me from my room so my studentx could set up for a party.... party was good thoughg
16 years ago 9
funny note....... walked into class one of my slower students maxe me a birthday card that said...............
FightingRaider is
16 years ago
off to school maybe. PYL
FightingRaider is
16 years ago 9
a little scared today.. I think my students are planning something for my birthday today. I think I will call in sick
FightingRaider says
16 years ago 6
Lovely morning to all the early and late risers in plurk ville. I hope you all have a wonder day.
16 years ago 1
car just took put power poll' school without power helllllllpppppp