good morning and happy crunch week.....state testing starts next week....just so excited
good morning to everybody. just arrived back in town 4 hours ago and now getting ready fo work.......
Good evening. I hope you all had a wonderful day. and will continue to ahve a wonderful weekend
getting ready to home, just waiting on the wifee.. she tells me to be ready to leave by four but......
when principal is cohoots with the students. she called me from my room so my studentx could set up for a party.... party was good thoughg
funny note....... walked into class one of my slower students maxe me a birthday card that said...............
a little scared today.. I think my students are planning something for my birthday today. I think I will call in sick
Lovely morning to all the early and late risers in plurk ville. I hope you all have a wonder day.
car just took put power poll' school without power helllllllpppppp