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World of Warcraft
There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. -~Douglas Adams
Raeyn says
13 years ago 7
Morning, plurksters. It's 7:42am. Do you know where your coffee is?
Raeyn says
14 years ago 1
LOD heads up: We have thunderstorms in my area. Lost power twice, home may be out -- if I am not online for my shift that would be why.
Raeyn says
14 years ago 2
Happy Birthday, Cam!
Raeyn says
14 years ago 1
Shout to Dreams: Imprudence won't let me log in, installing LGG Proxy. Back as soon as I can be.
Raeyn shares
14 years ago 1
Lyric Tuesday: Iron & Wine Naked as we came Iron and Wine - Naked As We Came
Raeyn shares
14 years ago 5
(Friday KittenPlurking) 可愛い、短足マンチカン!
Raeyn says
14 years ago 6
five crashes in an hour. I'm done. night all those I missed.
Raeyn says
14 years ago 2
Trying again (opinion request) www.flickr.com/photos/ra... Connors & Rozoregalia set...one photo only for a contest entry (untouched)
Raeyn shares
14 years ago 8
Opinion Request www.flickr.com/photos/ra... Slideshow) for a contest displaying works by Connors & Rozoregalia...one photo only.