3Friends 1Fans
RaeNyse says
14 years ago
omg found out so many secrets today!!!^^
RaeNyse says
14 years ago
oh bu red riding hood is super niceeee!^^ went to watch wif YL ct n zw.omg damn nice!!!!
RaeNyse says
14 years ago
omg ouch! fell down at naps n hurt my tailbone today! so painful ouch!!!!Ahhhh!!! lain pain pain!
RaeNyse says
14 years ago
the entire Plurk timeline will be spammed by me! just cos I am waiting for my karma to hit 100...O.O
RaeNyse says
14 years ago
OMG sian...tmrw must wake up early for cca.da zu somemore...Haiz...we'll see how it goes~
RaeNyse says
14 years ago
O.o hi Plurk.OMG nonono pls dun dieeee~!!!
RaeNyse says
14 years ago 2
OMG.Samantha freeze karma.jiaxin freeze karma.does tat mean they won't come back to Plurk.? then I'll be bored to death here...!!!!noooooo~
RaeNyse says
14 years ago
yay! last day of term1week1! hols is officially Hereeeee~!!! but ohnooooooooo! I dun wanna change seat!);
RaeNyse says
14 years ago
OMG CS interview! OMG OMG OMG!!!!:-o
RaeNyse says
14 years ago 8
OMG yay! Tis is sooo awesome! tmrw no sch! Hahas yay! rocks ttm~!!! I <3 Dr Foo! full day tmrw! yay! 下一站,幸福 all the way~!!! hahasXD