25Friends 63Fans
female Hawick, Great Britain (UK)
I'm Rachel, people call me Vampeh.
19, gay.
OMG I'm BRITISH :-o ?!?!
RachyRevenant says
13 years ago
experiencing creative insomnia
RachyRevenant says
13 years ago 5
this is why I shouldn't be allowed near markers
RachyRevenant says
13 years ago
I get bored too easily https://images.plurk.com/3187930_8e4230752d66b27ab328b8301358d224.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3187930_ca837c43e7e80a4a6151c42c10665655.jpg
RachyRevenant says
13 years ago 3
I look good when I'm drunk haha https://images.plurk.com/3187930_8f7bfad0cba6ffd793cd468e6c1b4522.jpg
RachyRevenant says
13 years ago 2
me and my dirty mind been working overtime :-P
RachyRevenant says
13 years ago
ReAnimate is the best EP ever.
RachyRevenant says
14 years ago
down tuned my guitar earlier and tried to play something. it didn't work out too well but I'm trying
RachyRevenant says
14 years ago
get on your knees and let the games begin ;-)
RachyRevenant says
14 years ago 2
sorry Plurk, I've been cheating on you with twitter. there's someone on there I'm trying to figure out, she's taking up a lot of time
RachyRevenant says
14 years ago 1
oops karma drop again.