3Friends 0Fans
female sta. rita aplaya, Philippines
♥ piCTure aDDicT ♥

..tHat'z me..

I really love stupidity,.,clumsiness,.,and addictions in my life

. '-LOVE is not a choice,.,it's a destiny- .

'..it's actually me..'

':mariel aguila lupig:'

':currently at 15 years of age:'

RHieL_05 says
12 years ago
You may love the wrong person and cry for no reason.
But one thing for sure:
. . . . . . Mistakes helps us to find the RIGHT person. ♥
RHieL_05 says
12 years ago
i'm sick .... :-(
RHieL_05 is
13 years ago
Aanhin Mo Pa Ang Syota Mong HOT
Kung Natikman Na Siya Ng La-HOT