mimoi says
12 years ago
Minsan akala mo wala nang NAGMAMAHAL sayo. Siguro masyado ka lang nakatuon sa taong hindi ka naman gusto.
mimoi says
12 years ago
We act differently with different people. It doesn't mean we're fake. We can only be ourselves with people we're comfortable with.
mimoi says
12 years ago
I'm a girl. I don't smoke, drink, or party every weekend. I don't sleep around or start drama to get attention. Yes, we still do exist.
mimoi says
12 years ago
So many friendships end with “we just stopped talking”
mimoi says
12 years ago
mimoi says
12 years ago
Why can't I just be attractive?
mimoi says
12 years ago 1
Good news: New high-tech gadgets are being released. iPhone 5 & iTouch 5. Bad news: WALA AKONG PERA. >:-))))
mimoi shares
12 years ago
Pre-order Studded case for you iPhone, BB & Ipod Touch. Just PM via SMS or Viber 09334437690 for you order. https://images.plurk.com/3s3bv6A61wwgXDnRu9JSKo.jpg
mimoi says
12 years ago 2
good night :-)
mimoi says
12 years ago
Every morning has a new beginning a new blessing a new hope and it's a perfect day, because it's God's Gift. Good Morning and God bless you.