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Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
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Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
Do You Know: What current branch of the U.S. military was a corps of only 50 soldiers when World War I broke out? ow.ly/1gElsn
Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
Do You Know: when did Air France's Concorde airplane make it's last flight? ow.ly/1gDDkk
Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
Do You Know: Would you break the law to save a loved one? ow.ly/1gD1xi
Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
Do You Know: The westernmost point in the 50 United States is located in which state? (A) Hawaii; (B-) Alaska ow.ly/1gD1xj
Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
Do You Know: Aviation history: The world record for a trans-Atlantic airplane flight was set in 1978 when a Concorde... ow.ly/1gzLyr
Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
Do You Know: Hello ow.ly/1gwlm7
Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
Do You Know: In the grand scheme of Presidential Politics does a win in Iowa really have an impact on who gets the n... ow.ly/1gwlm8
Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
Do You Know: Can we give our mailman a Gift Card for Christmas, or can they not accept gifts? ow.ly/1gj5nu
Qfishcharlotte says
13 years ago
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