73Friends 36Fans
female Oxford, Second life
#I'm an alien#
#I'm a legal alien#
#I'm an alien in SL#
PurplePenny is
4 years ago
having a meltdown
PurplePenny says
4 years ago
A neighbour had a new fridge delivered a week ago and since then he has had THREE food deliveries! How? There are no slots on any supermarket website for three weeks. They are snapped up within a few second of going live at mignight each day.
PurplePenny says
4 years ago
Currently arguing with a batshit crazy woman on FB who thinks that the corona virus is caused by 5G. She even thinks it was named coronavirus after an electrical corona. She's calling me all sorts of names - that means I'm winning right? (LOL)
PurplePenny says
4 years ago
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!
4 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/7gs5Kvxp6uWbGsLZIhgGMf.jpg isn't that the cutest nose?
4 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/6kNSUVgo15G1r7slDPpdON.jpg captions please!
5 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/6kNSUVgo15G1r7slDPpdON.jpg are you taking a photo hoomin?
PurplePenny says
5 years ago 1
SL friends - the fundraiser for Australian Bushfire Wildlife is this weekend. If you don't like big events, or don't have the time, just put Samodiva as your destination when logging in and you'll land right in front of a donation kiosk in my garden. Stick a few Lindens in it and you're done (heart)
PurplePenny shares
5 years ago 1
https://images.plurk.com/1QlkbazL1ubCqc02L8mYiM.png Come on friends - get in and make some donations at my Bushfire Wildlife fundraiser kiosk.
PurplePenny hopes
5 years ago
[SL]I've put a donation kiosk for the Australian Bushfire Wildlife Benefit event in my garden. Proceeds to go to RSPCA Australia.
If you don't like giving via SL, next to it is a direct donations board which takes you to the websites of various Australian charities.
Just search for Samodiva and you'll land right in front of the two boards.