The Project
13Friends 5Fans
Second Life, CO, United States
Project EveryBody is a Second Life endeavor to help us all be more accepting... in either world. To learn more, please visit:

About PE

or contact Lucie Bluebird in Second Life.
The Project
10 years ago 3
in case you missed it... another blogger challenge from Project EveryBody! Blogger Challenge #2: Raw
The Project
10 years ago 1
Blogger challenge #2 now revealed! Will you join in? Blogger Challenge #2: Raw
The Project shares
10 years ago
we have logos!
The Project
10 years ago 10
Sharing some of the Be Brave blog posts so far! If you've done or seen one, and I've missed it, add it to this Plurk! These are in no particular order. Brown like you
The Project
10 years ago 1
A great post from a RL blogger on how to help promote positive body image. Your Mask FirstYour Mask First
The Project
10 years ago 1
Introducing Project EveryBody's First Blogger Challenge! Blogger Challenge: Be Brave
The Project shares
10 years ago 3