9Friends 0Fans
male Port Orchard, WA, United States
Emerging poet/short story writer, bum musician, cineaste, teacher.
12 years ago 3
It is my goal to one day run a literary magazine with issues being distributed quarterly.
12 years ago 9
Blending two intensely strict poetic structures, and now I'm back into that 'stare at the poem forever' mode.
12 years ago 3
It's three in the morning. Obviously I've been up for the past three hours or so writing a single poem.
12 years ago 8
The best thing about English and creative writing in college: being friends with established poets and short story writers. Just purchased my former prof's newest collection, titled "Theophobia"
PrinceMyshkin is
12 years ago 7
700 dollars a lot for editing a book? No, relatively speaking. Is it the amount I need? Pretty much.
12 years ago 1
11-hour work shift tomorrow. Hopefully I can get some serious reading and editing done.
12 years ago 1
Mom is hosting a passion party. I feel bad for not leaving; I don't want to intrude on safe space, so I'm staying upstairs. This also makes using the bathroom slightly dangerous/adventurous, which is awesome.
12 years ago 1
4 movies, 2 days: The Hobbit was better than expected, Mama started well but faltered in the middle/end, Life of Pi was truly wonderful, The Last Stand lived up to the fun I expected from director Kim Ji-woon.
12 years ago 1
Abby of Dear Abby has passed away. :-( <3
12 years ago 6
Why would anybody title a section of their book "Other"?