22Friends 14Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
A thoroughly retro housewife with an uncharacteristic love of things high-tech, Poppy wears a fitted shirtdress, high heels, and pearls when she plurks.
Poppy is
16 years ago
waiting for her kids to come home for the one hour they have for the last day of school. Which--why? Why does the school even bother?
Poppy is
16 years ago
going to stop sleep-shirking and plurk-lurking. And take her tonsils to bed. 'night!
Poppy is
16 years ago 2
resting. Sometimes being sick isn't all that bad.
Poppy is
16 years ago
dying of tonsillitis. How very old skool of her.
Poppy is
16 years ago
doing a victory lap, because she got to nab the Poppy username. First, bitches!