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female Raleigh, NC, United States
Boutique web development company specializing in Joomla! Content Management System software development. Web applications and extensions for Joomla CMS.

Located in Raleigh-Durham, NC, serving customers worldwide.

Joomla Content Management Sys
PolishedGeek says
14 years ago
When someone asks "What do you do?" make your answer more memorable. ow.ly/441uQ And a catchy business name doesn't hurt either!
PolishedGeek says
14 years ago
Help name our new VirtueMart extension and win a lifetime subscription! Checkout the demo ow.ly/43kpQ and send us your name ideas.
PolishedGeek says
14 years ago
Help name our new VirtueMart extension and win a lifetime subscription! Checkout the demo ow.ly/43kpQ and send us your name ideas.
PolishedGeek says
14 years ago
Geeks have to work extra hard to make friends. So we're welcoming 2011 with a brand new Affiliate Program ow.ly/3z2j3
PolishedGeek says
14 years ago
You know, sometimes it's hard to make friends when you're a Geek. We're welcoming 2011 with a brand new Affiliate Program ow.ly/3z2j3
PolishedGeek says
14 years ago
We are setting up our social media marketing plan.