just wanna curl up and go back to sleep
it's a rare experience when the best birthday present you can give a friend is literal sticks
[D&D] So, a bargain my character made with a god has been hanging over his/my head for several sessions now. Mainly I was stuck trying to figure out how to go about holding up my end of the bargain. But it's finally coming together now and I'm excited
Maybe it’s this past TekkoLarp talking, but I have the urge to start using the phrase “That wasn’t very solarpunk of you.”
Back from my second convention weekend in a row. This time it was Confluence, the local convention for readers and writers of SFFH.
[AI nonsense] Saw this at the bottom of a poem and, uh. No.
I am legit looking forward to Tekko, BUT ALSO I have so many projects and things I am looking forward to diving into as soon as I have free time again.
[drags self to computer] I am not awake for this >.<